Goodbye February Daybook

Outside my window My bulbs are starting to bloom. Our miniature irises have come and gone. The crocuses (the penitent’s rose) and hyacinths (lily-among-thorns) are blossoming. The daffodils (Mary’s star) have buds, and our tulips (Mary’s prayer) and Easter lily are sprouting. Our Lenten Roses are also in full bloom. I need to set aside…

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July Daybook

Outside my window The sun is shining and the children are running through the sprinkler. At least they were when I started to write this daybook. I am wearing a denim skirt and a black t-shirt. In the kitchen I am hoping to get our barbecue’s propane tank filled so that we can have a…

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{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ {pretty} I like seeing Our Lady’s crown (a.k.a. ‘love in a mist’) and Our Lady’s pincushion (a.k.a. ‘scabiosa’) when I step out our front door. {happy} Our little boy was very happy to open his birthday presents. He was even happier to get his own…

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It’s Almost Summer Daybook

Outside my window, our flowers are blooming and I am enjoying spending time in the garden, marveling at God’s world. Over the past few years, I have been trying to get our garden to the point that I don’t have to spend much money on it. I am succeeding with the flowers. I wasn’t able…

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Lenten Gardening Observations

Patrick: “Oh, look at the purple flowers! I like Lent because that is when the flowers start to come up.” Theresa: “By the time Easter comes, the garden is full of flowers and it looks beautiful.” *The children were observing miniature irises that bloomed on Ash Wednesday. I failed to take a picture of them…

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Fall Daybook

Outside my window… It is dark and foggy, but I know that it is supposed to be a sunny day.  I am listening to… the sound of silence all around me. The children are all still sleeping. I am wearing… my pajamas. Later today, I will be wearing a skirt, a sweater, these shoes, and…

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We were planning on spending time outdoors at the beach or seeing animals today, but a summer thunderstorm has put an end to those plans. Instead of making lunch to bring with us, I have been sharing a few photos from our garden. Gaillardia ‘Goblin’ Have a wonderful weekend!

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June Flowers

I joined Elisa for another Nature Walk in mid-June. I just haven’t had time until this morning to share the photos. Mary’s Face (a.k.a. Gaillardia ‘Goblin’) Geranium ‘Rozanne’ Our Lady’s Crown (a.k.a. Love in a Mist)  Double Knock Out Roses (Rosa Radtko) Update: Although these roses make a great hedge, I do not recommend them.…

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Nature Walk Garden Party

“After a long day, I steal a few minutes outside with my camera. All alone. [With children all around me.] Even though I don’t live in a cabin in the woods on a lake, I can find peace in nature right here, in the middle of the city, in the neighborhood, in the garden, barefoot…

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Organic Gardening

Since accidentally destroying some of my roses by using weed killer near them, I have returned to not using chemicals. However, I spend a lot of time in the spring removing unwanted grass and weeds by hand from our small garden. Last year, I purchased compost at Costco for one of our garden beds. Brendan…

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A Passion Week Daybook

FOR TODAY Outside my window it is dark. I am thinking about this prayer that I read: My suffering and crucified King, can I expect an easy life when You lived such a hard one? No. I want to be like You as far as I am able in this earthly life of mine. Let…

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