Encouraging Confession


A few weeks ago, a friend asked me how we encourage our children to go to confession. I shared the following with her. I am sharing it here just in case it helps any other mothers. In my family, we make it a habit to go to confession on the First Friday/First Saturday of each…

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The Nature Center

We spent part of the day with some friends at a local nature center. My little boys were excited to see the ducks. I couldn’t help but smile when I heard Kieran exclaim, “There’s a duck. There’s a duck.” We’re looking forward to another field trip next week. 😊

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For Parents of Boys

I am planning on possibly sharing these lectures with my teenage son too. I was happy to hear Fr. Ripperger mention (among other things) boys, homeschooling, and moms. I think that this list of “23 Behaviors of a Gentleman that Every Man Should Adopt” goes hand in hand with Fr. Ripperger’s advice.

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All Saints Day Ruminations

2003 When my older children were little, we were very active in our local Catholic homeschool group. Each year, we would have a wonderful All Saints’ Potluck Party for all of the children, young and old. We would all eat and then the children would play various games. Towards the end of the evening the children…

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Wyoming Catholic College Distance Learning

Wyoming Catholic College has started offering distance learning learning courses. My oldest daughter and I are currently taking the first course, Religious Liberty in America, which began today. More information about these free distance learning classes can be found here. Founding of Maryland by Tompkins Harrison Matteson

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Daily Homeschool Schedule

As our family grew and I started homeschooling more and more of our children, I realized that we needed a schedule to keep both my children and me on track. Recently, a friend asked me what our daily homeschool schedule looked like. I told her, but I thought that a visual might be better. With…

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Spruce Up Your Homeschooling Before Spring

My daughter’s friend, who happened to finish high school a year or two early, shared some tips on how to “spruce up” your homeschooling before spring. Please keep Anna in your prayers. She is trying to obtain a presidential scholarship from a certain Catholic college. If she does so, it will help her family enormously.…

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Board Books

Yesterday, I was inspired by Jen to place a few of our board books in a basket for my little ones. Kieran saw me doing so and he immediately started to help. He carried the basket out to the living room and proceeded to have me read to him. After I was finished reading, and…

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HSLDA recommended watching “Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls” a few months ago. My pastor recommended doing so in our parish bulletin yesterday. It is well worth watching.

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Goodbye Summer Daybook

Outside my window The sun is shining and the leaves are starting to change color. At least, the sun was shining when I started this daybook. Now, the rain is pouring down and I am enjoying sipping on pumpkin spice hot cocoa. We double the cocoa and the milk when we make this. We have…

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Tantum Ergo

Recently, I realized that my younger children do not know the Tantum Ergo by heart, so I made this printout in order to help them learn it. I am posting it here, just in case anyone else can benefit from having a printed copy. Download Tantum Ergo

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