The Last Supper

Above is our Last Supper display. Our two oldest girls made Jesus and the 12 apostles four years ago, using Seton’s Art 1 for Young Catholics. The children have requested that we make new figures next year, as they would like to have figures made by at least four of them. We pray that everyone…

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Palm Sunday

I have been a little lax about our art projects lately, much to Bernadette’s dismay. Yesterday, she decided to correct the situation. Bernadette pulled out Seton’s Art 1 for Young Catholics and proceeded to do the project for Palm Sunday. She spent most of the day coloring, cutting and gluing. The result of her hard…

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Countdown to Christ’s Resurrection

Yesterday, we were given a wonderful Palm Sunday gift after Mass by some new-found friends, the Cruser family. They gave us an egg carton, filled with plastic eggs. Each egg contains a bible verse and something to represent the verse. The beautifully drawn picture on the left was glued to the top of the egg…

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Palm Sunday Crosses

One of my fond childhood memories is of my mom making crosses out of the blessed palms on Palm Sunday. When my husband and I were dating, I made crosses for some of the children after Mass. The first year we were married, I made crosses for some of the children after Mass. The second…

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The Triduum

I am so excited. Yesterday, I learned that our parish will be celebrating the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) with Masses and services in Latin (Novus Ordo). Our parish is Polish and usually the Masses surrounding this special time of year are in Polish. I am looking forward to standing room only,…

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