My Not So Quiet Little Boy

Kilian: “I was very quiet at Mass.”Me: “I know you were. You fell asleep after the rosary, and I woke you up to bring you downstairs. You slept through the whole Mass and the Angelus.”Kilian: “I was so quiet. Can I have a donut?”The only time that my little boy is quiet and/or still is…

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Christmas 2015

“At that time there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be enrolled. This enrolling was first made by Cyrinus, the governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, every one into his own city.” “And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth into…

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2015 in Review

“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila ~ January On January 5, I gave Kilian his first haircut. He is my first little…

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Why Go to High Mass?

We go to High Mass for three main reasons.  photo copyright Emily Byrne We go to High Mass because the third commandment is “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.” Going to High Mass forces us to keep the Lord’s day holy. High Mass at our parish is the later Mass. We live almost an…

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Easter Vigil Slideshow

One of my favorite Masses is the Easter Vigil at our parish. The singing of the “Sicut Cervus” takes my breath away and draws me in helping me to focus on Christ’s Resurrection. This Mass truly seems to me like the closest thing to Heaven on earth. I hope that everyone is having a joyous…

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Christus Resurrexit!

This year, we participated in the Triduum Masses and Good Friday liturgy at our parish again. Brendan felt privileged to be able to serve at the Easter Vigil. He has been wanting to serve at this Mass for a long time. He was happy to tell my dad that he would be doing so and to tell my brother…

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Lighting of the Easter Candle

I am happy to be able to watch the lighting of the Easter Candle at our parish. My two youngest children fell asleep before Mass began, so I stayed inside with them during the lighting of the Candle.

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Watch the FSSP Seminary Chapel Consecration this Morning

We will be watching the Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Chapel Consecration on EWTN, starting at 8:00 a.m. this morning.  EWTN will be airing the Chapel Consecration live from Denton, Nebraska.  You can watch it online by visiting this webpage, clicking “Watch Live”, and then selecting how you want to watch it.  According to EWTN, the Chapel Consecration…

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Glory Stories and Homilies

We have been listening to Glory Stories since Patrick was a baby, possibly even a few years earlier.  As we drove to my parent’s house after Mass one Saturday, we heard the story Treasure in Heaven: The Story of Saint Katherine Drexel on Sacred Heart Radio and we knew we had to buy theses CDs (each…

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Bless Us, Father

On Sunday, we had a priest sitting in front of us during Mass. I don’t know if he was there to observe the Mass (people who work for our Archdiocese visit parishes on a regular basis) or because he was interested in the Latin Mass. I do know that he may have regretted where he…

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