A Dream Come True

Yesterday, my smiling son served Mass for the first time. He has been wanting to do so since before he received his First Communion in December 2007. He was grinning from ear to ear when he met us in the vestibule after Mass. During dinner, he told us that Mass goes by a lot faster…

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Easter Blessings 2009

God has truly blessed my family with an incredible parish. Today, I realized that we (actually, my husband and four eldest children) spent at least nine hours in the church between Holy Thursday and early Easter Sunday morning. Despite the long hours, my children have not stopped speaking about the Masses and Good Friday Liturgy.…

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First Friday

I am still thinking about First Friday. It was a truly wonderful day! We arrived a couple of minutes late for Mass, due to road construction, but the children behaved fairly well. I was actually able to stay in the church with my two youngest until after the sermon. When we went up to receive…

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First Saturday

We had a busy First Saturday. My husband spent his day in an A+ certification class, followed by confession. The children’s and my day was a little bit more involved. We began our morning by attending Mass at what is probably the most beautiful church in our area. After Mass, we headed to a ballet…

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First Saturday

We had a busy First Saturday. My husband spent his day in an A+ certification class, followed by confession. The children’s and my day was a little bit more involved. We began our morning by attending Mass at what is probably the most beautiful church in our area. After Mass, we headed to a ballet…

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Doing What is Possible

Yesterday, I was lamenting the fact that aside from our crown of thorns, our family did not observe our usual Lenten traditions this year. Our Last Supper was not displayed. Patrick and Finnian fussed most of the day. Our house was a mess. Catherine was late for her piano lesson. We ate scrambled eggs for…

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Last night, towards the end of Mass, Patrick stood on the pew, placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on the pew. Then he whispered, “Watch!” I envisioned Patrick jumping off of the pew and so I responded, “Patrick, get down.” He repeated, “Watch!” I envisioned Patrick cutting his lip or biting his…

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Sunday Musings

I really appreciated our pastor’s homily today. He didn’t say anything profound, but what he said was so full of truth. Some of his words went to my heart, including the following: We are exhorted to consecrate our work, each day, to the honor and glory of God. Your vocation is not a profession. It…

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