Pregnancy Exercise Videos

Each time that I meet with a nutritionist during pregnancy, I am told that it is essential to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. I find it hard to find the time to do so, but I try to do so at least once or twice a week. It’s better than nothing. Living…

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Making a List and Checking it Twice

I’ve been making a list and checking it twice, and with nine children it hasn’t been nice. Last year, I had all of the children’s presents purchased before Advent, but that didn’t happen this year. I had presents for the little ones by the time Advent started. Last week, I had presents for everyone except…

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Fisher More College Needs Help

A couple of years ago, our pastor told my husband and me about Fisher More College. After he left, I got online to learn more about this great sounding school. I liked what I saw and read. Fisher More College is one of the few colleges to which I would consider sending my children. Fisher…

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Gestational Diabetes Diet

Once again, I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. This is my fifth pregnancy with this diagnosis. Hopefully, I will continue to be able to control my blood sugar levels with diet. Although an insulin needle is a lot thinner than a pre-filled Lovenox needle, I have no desire to be poking myself with another…

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Guidelines for Voting and more…

The following announcement was read from the pulpit on Sunday and appeared in our parish bulletin. I thought that it might be beneficial to share here. As Tuesday is Election Day, a reminder that Catholics are morally obliged to uphold Church teaching in the selection of candidates and voting on public initiatives. In regards to conscience, remember that…

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Vote for Life, Marriage, Family, and Religious Freedom

Photos courtesy of Theresa. During this election year, Brendan decided that it would be appropriate to carve a pro-life pumpkin for All Hallow’s Eve. Yesterday, my husband mailed in our ballots. Today, I am praying for our country, that Romney and Ryan win this election, and that R-74 is rejected. Election Prayer O Lord Jesus Christ,…

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Catholic Embroidery Giveaway

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholic Embroidery is giving away this San Damiano Cross afghan.  This image is copyright Catholic Embroidery. If you would like a chance to win the afghan, visit Catholic Embroidery and comment on their post before October 13.

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Eastertide Daybook

I am listening to… Bernadette is playing music from the Lord of the Rings on her violin. She spends about an hour each morning playing her violin. First, she practices and then she has fun, playing and picking out pieces that she has heard at Mass, on a CD, the radio or in a movie. Listening to…

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You Know You’re Tired When

1. You start to call for your son, but you call “God” instead. My children were amused to hear me say, “Goood” in the same way that I would say, “Paaatrick”. What can I say, I was thinking about Him as I brought the dinner to the table. 2. You start the dishwasher and then…

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Chickenpox Tips

I have had several friends ask me for tips regarding the chickenpox, so I thought that I would share them here while two of my children are still recovering and ideas are fresh in my mind. Look at the chickenpox as an opportunity to spend time with your child, reading a lot of stories and…

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Help Gloria’s Angels Help More Families

Please take the time to vote for Gloria’s Angels. We are asking an urgent favor from all of our supporters.  JP Chase Morgan has a charitable foundation that is sponsoring the Chase Community Giving Campaign.  This unique program will be awarding $5 million in donations to qualifying nonprofit organizations.  How can you help us get a portion of that?  EASY – simply vote online in Facebook…

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