Why We Don’t Want Socialized Healthcare

Listen to President Reagan’s advice opposing socialized medicine. He shared his thoughts in 1961 and what he had to say still applies today. He also warns against the encroachment of the government on our freedoms. “Freedom was built into our government with safeguards.” We need to protect those freedoms and let our Congressmen and Senators…

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Our Hero

Brendan: “Mommy, why didn’t Daddy run for president? He could have won.” Me: “He’s my hero, too.”

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I know it goes without saying

Please pray for our country, especially Washington state. The voters in Washington made the deadly mistake of passing I-1000 (physician-assisted suicide). My children, husband, and I spent several days, before and after our baby was born, going door-to-door distributing no on I-1000 literature. Like my ob/gyn, I honestly believed that the people of Washington would…

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Yeah! Go McCain!

It looks like Sarah Palin (the Governor of Alaska) is McCain’s VP pick! If this is true, McCain has my vote! Her youngest was recently born with Down Syndrome. Sarah Palin is truly incredible!

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Obama: Covering up a Lie with Another Lie

After telling a lie, he used another lie to cover up his first lie and accused others of being liars instead of himself. http://www.creativeminorityreport.com/2008/08/liar-liar.html If this man is elected president, will he continue to cover up what he does with lies?

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