Please Pray for a Mother with Cancer

After Mass, my friend, Mary, told me about a friend and neighbor of hers, Lori. Lori is a Catholic mother of 14 children (some of her children are adopted). Many of Lori’s children are special needs; some have Down Syndrome. Two weeks ago, Mary saw Lori and commented on the fact that Lori looked like…

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Prayers Needed

Some dear friends of mine were in the process of adopting a baby boy. He has been living with them for almost three weeks. The husband just called to ask for a phone number, so that he could call his wife and let her know that the family wants the baby back. Please pray that…

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Please pray for my mother-in-law. She was rushed to the hospital yesterday with extremely low oxygen and high blood-sugar levels. She has been diagnosed with a very bad case of pneumonia.May Mary wrap her mantle around “Nanny” and may God watch over her.

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My dad started his oral chemotherapy yesterday. Please pray that he suffers no serious adverse affects and that he gets well quickly. May God continue to watch over him.

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Please Pray

My dad is at his doctor’s appointment. I won’t know anything more until tomorrow morning. Prayer to Saint Peregrine*O great St. Peregrine, you have been called “The Mighty,” “The Wonder-Worker,” because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.For so many years you bore in…

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On April 5, my dad will learn more about his chemotherapy treatment. Please continue to pray for him. May Mary wrap her mantle around my dear father.

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My Dad

Dear God, Please watch over my dad, as he has surgery. Please grant him a full recovery from both his surgery and cancer.

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