40 Days for Life

Have you signed up to participate in 40 Days for Life? It began today, Wednesday, September 24. If you are wondering how you can participate, please watch this video.

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Please help 4US raise money for babies and their mothers

Thank you to everyone who has registered to participate in and/or made a donation to 4US. As many of you know, 4US is raising money to purchase ultrasound machines for Care Net in Puyallup, and Life Choices in King County and Yakima. The event takes place this Saturday, September 20. 4US has raised almost $36,000.…

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Help Washingtonians Oppose Assisted Suicide

Please listen to Fr. Robert J. Spitzer’s thought-provoking case which he made against I-1000 (assisted suicide) at a Marian Conference in May and then please visit www.noassistedsuicide.com and make a donation. Listen here! As Fr. Spitzer, S.J. shares, the repercussions of I-1000 reach far beyond Washington state.

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Donate 4US, 4Babies, 4Mothers, 4 a Priest

Father Ed White has been “illuminating hope” in the lives of babies and mothers for many years. Please show your gratitude for all that Fr. Ed White does for babies, their mothers, and for the cause of LIFE by making a donation to 4US via Father’s fundraising page. 4US (formerly known as Ride4US) raises money…

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If You Care About Human Life…

Please read Joel Connelly’s article I-1000 campaign seeks to sell voters on death, visit the Coalition Against Assisted Suicide and make a donation to this organization to help them to defeat I-1000. As Rita Marker recently shared, “Everyone who opposes assisted suicide is a Washingtonian for the next year.” (Celebrate Life, March-April 2008, p. 32)…

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Remembering Good Friday

On Good Friday, we participated in a procession and prayer vigil for unborn babies and their mothers. “Sea Padre” organized and led the procession to Planned Parenthood in West Seattle. After the prayer vigil, we returned to Holy Family where we started the first day of the Divine Mercy Novena. Photos were taken by Catherine.

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Are You Participating in 40 Days for Life?

Fall 40 Days for Life in Washington state. Please visit www.40daysforlife.com/location.html to see if their is a Lenten 40 Days for Life near you and then sign up to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Lenten 40 Days for Life: February 6 – March 16, 2008

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March for Life Olympia

Yesterday’s March for Life in Olympia was truly incredible! We began the March by attending Mass, concelebrated by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo and 16 priests, at St. Michael’s. After Mass, we walked to the Capitol and gathered with thousands of people to witness that all life is sacred from conception until natural death. Stopping to pose…

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March for Life

Just a quick note to say that we are praying for everyone who will be attending the March for Life in D.C. and elsewhere. We will be participating in the March in “mission country”, as Kathy McEntee used to call our state. I hope to share some photos tomorrow. In the interim, photos of the…

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40 Days for Life

Since September 26, we have been participating in 40 Days for Life, praying for an end to abortion, praying for unborn babies and their mothers. Yesterday, we heard David Bereit (the national coordinator of 40 Days for Life) speak in Tacoma. He spoke about visiting the Holocaust Museum and how Hitler had indoctrinated the youth…

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