When you’re feeling miserable…

When you’re feeling miserable with a fever and sore throat, and your head feels all funny, and you haven’t left your bed all day, it is generally not a good idea to post comments on people’s blogs.  Grammatical errors, “wonderful blessings that comes”, and misspellings, “I know have some more ideas”, may be made.  Refraining from…

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The Walls are Broken Down and I am on my Knees

It’s been a hard week.  By the time yesterday rolled around, I was ready to hold up a white flag.  As I worked on lesson plans, Finnian scattered flour all over the kitchen, the dining room, the hallway, and some of his siblings.  No one said a thing.  I knew something was wrong, when I…

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I Miss Her

Sometimes, I find myself wishing that my mom was still here.  She was a truly amazing Mother.  I often think about her and wish that I could ask her how she disciplined my siblings and me.  I know that this might sound odd, but her form of discipline was completely different from anything I have witnessed…

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I know that it is late and that I should be sleeping, but I can’t.  Why is it that with good things, we also often have crosses?

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I Need a Break?

Recently, I have had a couple of well-intentioned people tell me, “You need a break.” and “I hope your husband gives you at least an hour all to yourself each week.” I took some of the children to a doctor’s appointment and I read on the nine-month well-child check form that I am supposed to…

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Finding out the day before the homeschool conference that the person who you thought would be helping you watch your children, will not be doing so due to a birthday party. Despite being an optimist, knowing that the above will most likely make it impossible for you to listen to any of the presentations and…

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Murielle Yeoman

Growing up, I was blessed to know a very beautiful lady, thanks to my youngest sister. One day while at daily Mass with my mom, my youngest sister (age 2 or 3 at the time) wandered off to sit with an elderly lady. This act led to a friendship that would last a lifetime. The…

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Meaningful Gifts

Today, we received some very thoughtful gifts from my dad. All of them are wonderful, but three of them are very special. The first is a holy card printed in remembrance of a relative’s (Elisabeth Gautier) First Communion and Confirmation on 5 Juillet 1906 or July 5, 1906. This is for my youngest. If I…

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Conference Ponderings

Prior to the Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference, I contemplated the theme of this year’s conference, “The Catholic Family: Called to be in the World, not of the World”, many times. We have a framed text from Human Life International, “Ancient Advice for Modern Times, How True Christians Relate to the World” by St. Justin…

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