Summer Camps

This summer, my four oldest children had the privilege of going to summer camps run by Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP. Each day, began with Mass, breakfast, and a spiritual talk given by Fr. Gordon. Each evening ended with the children sitting around a campfire, listening to Fr. Gordon share more about the Catholic faith. My…

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Advent Daybook

Outside my window… The ground is white. The children are excited that it snowed last night and they are hoping that it snows more. In the kitchen… Theresa has been baking a lot of cookies. Today, we are hoping to make some applesauce and cinnamon ornaments. I had intended to make them with the children…

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Easter Vigil Slideshow

One of my favorite Masses is the Easter Vigil at our parish. The singing of the “Sicut Cervus” takes my breath away and draws me in helping me to focus on Christ’s Resurrection. This Mass truly seems to me like the closest thing to Heaven on earth. I hope that everyone is having a joyous…

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The Hummingbird

We have been enjoying watching hummingbirds this summer.  Yesterday, Brendan used my little Canon to take photos and a short video of one of our guests.  He is hoping to get a video of the hummingbird in the sun, so that its colors are fully visible. Happy Birthday to Our Blessed Mother! Updated: The slideshow has been updated…

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Zoolights 2009

  The last time that we went to Zoolights was when our eldest son was still a baby.  I hope that we can return next year.  It is so peaceful to walk through the zoo at night, looking the Christmas lights, and listening to the instrumental Christmas music.

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