2015 in Review

“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila ~ January On January 5, I gave Kilian his first haircut. He is my first little…

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Safe at Home

Catherine and Bernadette arrived home safely on the 19th. They were well taken care of by all of my family during their stay in and around Switzerland. Both girls thoroughly enjoyed their vacation. Catherine is still talking about returning in nine years and Bernadette often says, “Next time, I go to Switzerland…” Both girls have…

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Coming Home

I am waiting with eager anticipation for Catherine’s and Bernadette’s arrival tomorrow. In the interim, my dad sent a few photos. I have been trying to post them with the appropriate journal (blog) entries that I have been making regarding their travels. Please pray that my daughters and other family members have a safe trip…

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Hunting, the Curé, and Driving a Quad

Catherine and Bernadette spent the weekend hunting. Actually, they didn’t hunt. Catherine told me that the children and the mothers stayed at her aunt’s parents’ hunting house, while the men went hunting. The hunters killed five wild boar. Catherine spent her time learning French from and teaching English to Camille (another one of my brother’s…

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The Sisters of Bethlehem

When Catherine was one, we visited the Sisters of Bethlehem. The Mother Superior (I believe), Sr. Marider, held Catherine and whispered something in her ear. Catherine responded with a huge smile. A friend of ours snapped a photo of the whisper and the smile. When Sr. Marider was asked what she had said to Catherine,…

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Missing my Daughters

As most of you know, I am really missing Catherine and Bernadette. Our home just doesn’t seem the same without them. On Monday, I picked my brother-in-law (Kevin) and two of my nieces up from the airport. Kevin gave me a short letter from Catherine. Kevin and his daughters told me that the girls were…

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The Weekend

Catherine and Bernadette were happy to attend my brother and his wife’s nuptial Mass. They enjoyed the wedding reception, leaving around 12:30 in the morning. On October 8th, my family went for a drive in the mountains with our girls. I was told that my dad took an excellent photo of Bernadette with a cow.…

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Today (yesterday for the girls), Catherine and Bernadette went with my family to Interlaaken. Catherine thought it was very cold, despite her layers of clothing and Bernadette thought it was freezing. Both girls were impressed with the ice sculptures. They were happy to share that “There were twelve penguins (just like in Mr. Popper’s Penguins).…

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Geneva and the Old City

Catherine and Bernadette visited Geneva and the old city, today. I was happy to hear that the cobbled streets have been maintained. They always fascinated me. Bernadette is looking forward to dancing at the wedding reception on Saturday and is trying to convince Catherine that she should dance, too. Catherine assured me that she is…

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She’s not Missing Us

My older sister asked Bernadette if she was missing us. She responded, “No, I am having too much fun. I do miss Patrick’s cute little ways, though.”

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They’re Only a Phone Call Away

I just finished speaking with Catherine and Bernadette. They spent a wonderful day at their Aunt Marie Caroline’s parents’ house. Bernadette enjoyed playing with the dog, Tiger. She also told me, “I ate lemon meringue pie and other really good food!” Catherine had brownies for dessert. Both girls expressed their joy at being able to…

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Catherine and Bernadette left for Switzerland on October 1, the Feast of St. Thérèse. I have entrusted them to her care. We are, obviously, really missing them. However, from all accounts they are having a wonderful time. The first day that they were there, Bernadette rode on my brother’s motorcycle with him and in true…

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