Happy Thanksgiving

Peanuts Happy Thanksgiving

This year as the unknown looms ahead of me, I am reminded that there is so much for which we can and should be thankful. May God bless all of you! *I couldn’t resist going with the Charlie Brown theme. My little boys really like Snoopy. How could I not be a fan?

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2015 in Review

“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila ~ January On January 5, I gave Kilian his first haircut. He is my first little…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

A friend asked elsewhere, “What are we most grateful for this year?” I didn’t have to think twice. I am grateful that my husband survived his massive heart attack. I am thankful for daily Mass and a holy, kind, and patient new pastor, Fr. S. Finally, I am thankful to be expecting another baby. I…

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Cranberry-Pineapple Jello Mold

Several years ago, my friend, Peggy, shared this cranberry-pineapple jello recipe with our local Catholic homeschool group. Since then, we have had it every year for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and sometimes New Year’s Day too. Cranberry-Pineapple Jello Ingredients: 1 lrg. Pkg. (6 oz) raspberry jello 1 small can (5-6 oz?) crushed pineapple, drained 1 small can…

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We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, thanks to family near and far.  My father-in-law arrived at our house early in the morning with some stuffing for our turkey.  He visited for a little while before heading to the cemetery to visit my mother-in-law’s grave.  After he left, I called and spoke to my dad.  Then, we…

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Happy Thanksgiving

I pray that everyone has a safe, happy, and blessed Thanksgiving! I found this story, Florida teacher chips away at Plymouth Rock Thanksgiving myth, interesting.  Thank you to The Black Biretta for sharing the story and the picture, last year.

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In Review: Thanksgiving

This year, we continued last year’s tradition of celebrating a noisy Thanksgiving at home. My dad, my siblings, and in-laws were in my prayers even though we were not together. We have celebrated a nunber of Thanksgivings at home, but only two without extended family.

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Things I Heard

I know this is a little late, but on Thanksgiving day I heard two things that I thought were cute. Upon seeing the dining room table, Patrick said, “Oh, turkey lurkeys on the table.” Theresa watched me as I rolled L’il Smokies in crescent rolls. All of a sudden, she said, “Mommy that’s what Samuel…

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