It’s Snowing

The boys don’t need to pretend anymore. It really is snowing, and Kieran is very excited. He keeps telling me, “Mommy, it’s snowing!” and “Mommy, snow is on the van. We need to clean it.” He also commented, “Mommy, the snow is on the flowers.” I love my little boy and his wonder and enthusiasm.

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Snow Fun

Last Saturday and Sunday, we were all excited to finally get a little snow. The children enjoyed it while it lasted and had a fun time playing outside. Did he throw it at me? It’s cold!

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Winter Wonderland or…

We were all happy to see approximately one foot of snow fall and stick in our neighborhood this week. My husband and I enjoyed looking at the beauty outside, while our children played in their winter wonderland.  Unfortunately, I did not take very many photos. We still have a lot of snow on the ground. As of…

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Advent, Christmas and Winter Feast Day Books

One of the things that I like about this time of year is snuggling up with my children and reading picture books. A few years ago, I shared a list of picture books that we like to read during December and January. Below is an updated (and hopefully better organized) list. Advent Books: Annika’s Secret…

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Snow Day Snowflake Photos

Remembering Snowflake Bentley, Brendan decided to use his EyeClops and take some photos of snowflakes. I really like the second photo. Magnified 200 times Magnified 100 times Magnified 100 times Magnified 100 times Magnified 100 times

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It’s Snowing!

I am putting our youngest down for a nap.  The children are exclaiming, “It’s snowing!”  I am assuming that it will turn to rain and we will not see more than a dusting of white fluffy stuff, if anything.  We have had a beautiful, warm, sunny winter with most afternoons spent outside.  The children have…

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January Picture Book Basket

This month’s book basket contains the following books: Akiak: A Tale From the Iditarod by Robert J. Blake A sled dog refuses to give up during the Iditarod, despite being hurt. Annie and the Wild Animals by Jan Brett The Big Snow by Berta and Elmer Hader (added 1/13) A Day On Skates by Hilda Van Stockum* This will…

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We were supposed to have our pastor over for dinner and a house blessing tonight, but due to the inclement weather, we decided that it was best for him not to venture into our neck of the woods. The benefits of thinking that he was coming were a clean house (ready for Christmas) and a…

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Snow Day

The children have been enjoying the snow, especially two of my boys. Unedited photos below…I don’t have time to do anything with them in Photoshop.

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My Husband Thinks I’m Crazy

We usually set up our outdoor nativity scene on the Saturday prior to Gaudete Sunday; however, we did not have time to do so this past weekend. Thus, yesterday, I mentioned to my husband that the children and I might do so. He said, “Go for it.” Around 3 o’clock, I could not bear the…

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