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I strongly feel that read alouds should be an integral part of family life, regardless of children's ages. I fondly remember my father lying in bed next to one of my younger sisters, reading Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking to her. I also remember how much I enjoyed listening. Several years later, I heard another good book. This time, my siblings and I sat on the floor, at my mom's feet, listening to her read Fatima in Lucia's Own Words edited by Fr. Louis Kondor, SVD. Knowing how much listening to these books meant to me, I encouraged my husband to read chapter books to our children.
My husband began by reading picture books to our children. As our children grew, he added the bible to his read-aloud list. Eventually, he started to also read chapter books to us. We all really enjoy listening to the stories he reads. Some of the chapter books that our children have heard over the years are listed below.
2013 Read Alouds
Bernadette: Our Lady's Little Servant
by Hertha Pauli
My children enjoyed listening to the story of this wonderful saint and Our Blessed Mother.
Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White, illustrated by Garth Williams
by Enid Blyton
I originally intended to read this book to my younger children, but I noticed that a couple of the older children migrated to the room as I read. My children in preschool through sixth grade are enjoying listening to the story. My two eldest children read this and The Burgess Bird Book for Children a few years ago.
Freddy Goes Camping
by Walter R. Brooks
My husband and children thought this book was amusing. Brendan read these books when he was younger and enjoyed them. This was the rest of the family's first introduction to the Freddy books.
The Princess and the Goblin
by George MacDonald
The book that we read was illustrated by Ursula K. Le Guin. I would like to see the copy of this book that is illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith.
Sixty Saints for Boys
by Joan Windham
Sixty Saints for Girls
by Joan Windham
A friend gave me this book last spring after I told her about Sixty Saints for Boys. My children and I thoroughly enjoy the stories in both of these books.
2012 Read Alouds
Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray
Around the Year Once upon a Time Saints by Ethel Pochocki
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare*
The Children's Saint Anthony by Catherine Beebe
My second son kept asking his father to read more.
The Christmas Anna Angel by Ruth Sawyer, illustrated by Kate Seredy
The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden
Devotional Stories for Little Folks by Nancy Nicholson
The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli*
First Communion Days by a Sister of Notre Dame
James Herriot's Treasury for Children by James Herriot
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder*
We gave the boxed set of books to our oldest daughter for her birthday one year, and I read all of the books out loud to her and her sister at that time. It was nice to hear this childhood favorite again.
Men of Iron by Howard Pyle
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle*
Mossflower by Brian Jacques
Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle
Queen without a Crown by Madeleine Polland
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome*
Swallowdale by Arthur Ransome*
This Way to Christmas by Ruth Sawyer
True Stories of First Communicants by a Sister of Notre Dame
2011 Read Alouds
The Tales of Olga Da Polgaby Michael Bond
Dog Training for Kidsby Carol Lea Benjamin
Petite Suzanneby Marguerite de Angeli
Alvin Fernald, Foreign Trader by Clifford B. Hicks
Alvin Fernald, Mayor for a Day by Clifford B. Hicks
Once upon a Time Saintsand More Once Upon a Time Saints
by Ethel Pochocki
Secret Agents Fourby Donald J. Sobol
Banner in the Sky by James Ramsey Ullman
Redwall by Brian Jacques
The Cure of Ars: The Priest Who Out-Talked the Devil by Milton Lomask
Crossbows and Crucifixes: A Novel of the Priest Hunters and the Brave Young Men Who Fought Them by Henry Garnett
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
Raggedy Ann and Andy books by Johnny Gruelle
More Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls by Caryll Houselander
A Life of Our Lord for Children by Marigold Hunt
First Farm in the Valley: Anna's Story by Anne Pellowski
Red Hugh: Prince of Donegal
by Robert T. Reilly
The Mitchells: Five for Victory (Mitchell's Series) by Hilda Van Stockum
Canadian Summer (Mitchell's Series) by Hilda Van Stockum
Friendly Gables (Mitchell's Series) by Hilda Van Stockum
Outlaws of Ravenhurst by M. Imelda Wallace (This book is a favorite in our house.)
The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin
Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House in the Highlands (The Martha Years) by Melissa Wiley*
The Far Side Of The Loch (The Martha Years)
by Melissa Wiley*
Down to the Bonny Glen (The Martha Years) by Melissa Wiley*
Beyond the Heather Hills (The Martha Years) by Melissa Wiley*
Little House by Boston Bay (The Charlotte Years) by Melissa Wiley*
On Tide Mill Lane (The Charlotte Years) by Melissa Wiley*
The Road from Roxbury (The Charlotte Years) by Melissa Wiley*
Across the Puddingstone Dam (The Charlotte Years)
by Melissa Wiley*
Little House in Brookfield (The Caroline Years) by Maria D. Wilkes*
Little Town at the Crossroads (The Caroline Years) by Maria D. Wilkes*
Little Clearing in the Woods: Little House (The Caroline Years) by Maria D. Wilkes*
On Top of Concord Hill (The Caroline Years) by Maria D. Wilkes*